The Atlas Mission.
21st century education. For every child.
What is the Atlas Mission?
The Atlas Mission™ is a groundbreaking new educational game for kids
that is available on iPads, iPhones, Android tablets, and phones.
The game involves your 3 – 7 year old child taking part in an epic adventure along
with his or her friend Atlas Finch™, the traveling Robot!
How does the Atlas Mission help children learn?
Each mission involves games designed to significantly improve your little one’s
skills in the following key areas:
- Vocabulary, Spelling & Reading
- Writing
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)
How does the Atlas Mission teach children
21st-century skills?
The Atlas Mission is geared towards teaching children 21st-century skills like
creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and coding.
The Atlas Mission educational game for kids also includes a large number
of age-appropriate stories that will further improve your child’s reading skills.
Help Your Child Learn About Other Countries and Cultures
Each mission will also help them improve their geography skills and
understand some of the unique cultural characteristics of the countries they are visiting.
So with the Atlas Mission, your little explorer can experience first-hand
the wonders of the real world!
If you are a parent or teacher, click on the link below
to get access to the app on your device for free.
Are you a nonprofit organisation?
We would love to collaborate with you. If you are someone running a nonprofit, or looking to design and enhance your education program, the Atlas Mission app is just for you.
The Learning Yogi Foundation is changing the narrative of education in India through the Atlas Mission app. We are well on our way to reaching 1 million children by 2030. Regardless of their circumstances of birth.
To get the children in your community learning right away, sign up for free and download the Atlas Mission app today.